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Cash flow stopped flowing?

Cash flows help you determine what you can afford to do as a business but all businesses (and individuals!) will experience cash flow crises at times.

Fortunately, most of these problems can be prevented with the appropriate preparation.

However, even with the best plans in place, situations can occur which leave businesses with difficult decisions to make. That’s when it’s key to speak to someone who understands business to help you through this tough time. We’re always here to help.

Some methods of managing cash flow problems:

  • Sell or refinance assets held within your business. We will assist you use your equipment assets to release cash.
  • Take a term loan, which can help boost your cash flow levels during a tough trading period.
  • Business overdrafts – for businesses who may be able to predict occasional drops in levels of working capital.
  • Chase debtors – this involves taking more action with clients and customers who owe you money. We can help you learn how to manage and optimise these processes.
  • Set up new credit facilities – there might be lenders out there who could offer you better terms, we can help find these.

If you are experiencing trouble maintaining a healthy cash flow, we can also help you prepare cash flow forecasts and budgets. Furthermore we will assist you to manage them so that you can install some stability back into your business and plan for positive growth in the future.